2020 WESTERN REGION MEETING"Seek and Find the Forgotten"May 21 - 23, 2020Sacramento, CaliforniaSecure Online Event Registration
300 J Street Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 446-0100 Guest Reservations: (866) 266-3306 Overnight Accommodations: $129 per night, plus tax Mention Code: UDP to receive the discounted group rate.
(Reservations must be confirmed no later than Monday, April 20, 2020)
Located in Downtown Sacramento across from "Old Sacramento", just a 15 minute drive down I-5 from the Sacramento International Airport (SMF).
Thru April 21 (after April 21, $150)
(For Sacramento Council Members Only) Thru April 21 (After April 21st $100)
Thru April 21 (After April 21, $88)
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Registration for Western Region Meeting & Ozanam Orientation Training
English & Spanish Session running parallel. Lunch Included
"Seek and Find the Forgotten Through the eyes of St. Vincent"
Sister Paule Freeburg has an extensive background in religious education for both children and adults. Though not raised Catholic, she became one during her undergraduate years. A few years later, she took her faith one step further by becoming a nun, joining the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. She was inspired while watching a community of sisters in Santa Barbara work with developmentally disabled children. "I saw in them a profound respect for the dignity of human beings," she said. She took her vows in 1971 and then went to Gonzaga University to earn a master’s in theology. Sister Paule Freeburg, is a member of the Daughters of Charity and the Western Region Spiritual Advisor to St. Vincent de Paul.
Sister Paule has written song and prayer texts for many well-known collections of children’s music. She also presents workshops on children and spirituality. Sister Paule recently moved to the Diocese of Anchorage, AL to support the Vincentian Family there.
All Attendees Welcome, Cash Bar only.
Ralph Middlecamp, President, National Council Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Ralph Middlecamp is a member of the St. Thomas Aquinas Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. He served as the executive director and CEO of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for the District Council of Madison from 1999 until his retirement July 31, 2017. He began his career with the Society in 1987 as a store general manager. During his 30-year tenure, the number of stores increased to seven, and he developed the Center for Vincentian Charity.
He has served on National Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s Store Committee and Communication Committee, and is on the presenting team of the Society’s national leadership renewal program, Invitation for Renewal. Ralph also is a past member of the International Council General’s Commission for the Cause of Canonization of Blessed Frederic Ozanam. In 2017 was elected as National Council President.
Ralph is married to Dr. Cathy Hurt Middlecamp, who is on the faculty of the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Workshops: Every participant will have the opportunity to attend each of the 4 workshops presented. (Please rank in order of importance to you 1 being the most import and 4 being the least. However, if you have no interest in attending a specific workshop, please leave it blank.)
Brian Powers is the secretary of the Holy Spirit Parish Sacramento St. Vincent de Paul Conference and has been a member of the Conference since 2013. He was instrumental in developing the Conference’s Transition to Permanent Housing Solutions program, which provides financial assistance to help clients who are in imminent danger of becoming homeless to remain in their homes or to help homeless clients to obtain housing. Brian is retired from a 37-year career as an attorney specializing in personal injury and property damage defense law. He is also a bereavement volunteer with Sutter Hospice Sacramento.
Jack Tibbetts is the Executive Director for the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, Sonoma County. Additionally, he is a Councilmember elected to Santa Rosa City Council. His experience with disaster comes first hand with the many fires in his area, most notably the Tubbs Fire in 2017 and more recently the Kincade Fire last fall. His knowledge and involvement with disaster relief and recovery makes him a perfect spokesperson for how SVdP can respond to the needs of survivors of disaster. The work in the area is ongoing and his know-how can provide great insight into how other Councils and Conferences can prepare for any possible incident. Jack loves the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul because he appreciates the anonymity and humility with which the Society serves the poor in our community.
Rabbi Seth Castleman is the Director of EXODUS PROJECT with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Sacramento. EXODUS PROJECT is an interfaith mentoring program for people returning to our community from Sacramento county jail. Castleman has previously directed mindfulness and life direction programs for Centerforce, Inc. in California state prisons, county jails, and post-release treatment centers. This project worked with the incarcerated population, returning citizens, correctional officers, and social service staff. Castleman also co-founded Lineage Project, a highly successful program currently in its 18th year in New York City juvenile halls and Riker’s Island Jail, working with incarcerated youth between 11 and 17 years old.
Rabbi Castleman is married to Rev. Elizabeth Griswold, a minister in the United Church of Christ, making them perhaps the only rabbi and Christian minister couple in the U.S. They live in Davis with their three children.
Kathy Iberle has been a presenter and Formator in the Seattle area and Idaho for the past 9 years. She has a great love for the spirituality and history of the Society and has written training used locally, which led to serving on the 2016 Ozanam Orientation Committee. Kathy is on the Leadership Task Force of the National Formation Committee which has generated the documentation on which this workshop is based .She has been writing and delivering professional training for adults for over 20 years, first at Hewlett-Packard and now via her own business, Iberle Consulting Group. www.kiberle.com
(15 min. walk from the hotel) Bus transportation will be available for those that cannot walk.
Celebrant: Bishop Jamie Soto, Bishop of Sacramento
The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament is considered on of three of the most historically significant buildings in Sacramento. Built at a time when Sacramento was transitioning from a minig town into a capitol city, it took the kind of dedication and fortitude for which the early pioneer's of California were known for. For more information about the Cathedral, click HERE.
(17 min. relaxing walk) or Bus transportation will be available
These 28 acres on the Sacramento’s historic waterfront were the site of both tragedy — fire and flood — and triumph — the raising of the streets, the founding of the Transcontinental Railroad, the terminus of the Pony Express, and the home of California’s first thriving business district, fueled by gold, agriculture and the river.
Due to past and current efforts by the State of California, private and public museums, individuals, business, the City and County of Sacramento, the Historic Old Sacramento Foundations, scores of volunteers, and many others, Old Sacramento Waterfront lives on as thriving shopping and entertainment district as well as a global tourist destination.
Hosted by Sacramento Diocesan Council (subject to additional cost of $25)
California State Railroad Museum: An evening of fun, food and entertainment
The California State Railroad Museum, a Smithsonian Affiliate, offers a sight of rail history with over 2.5 acres of exhibits on the property. With a roundhouse museum space filled with trains, a picnic area on our 1849 scene, museum store, library, turntable, passenger station, and the areas only historic and authentic excursion train ride that is volunteer ran!
We will enjoy the evening at the museum with docent talks, a reception organized by the Sacramento Council as well as good Vincentian fellowship.
Celebrant: Fr. Michael Kiernan
Deacon Gene Smith
Deacon Gene Smith is a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul for over 50 years, including service as National President from 1999 to 2005. He is retired from 45 years of Social Work and Fundraising in support of the work of Daughters of Charity and other Catholic Sisters in international healthcare, in the poorest countries of the world. The work of the Sisters included: building water wells; providing vaccinations for children; improving maternal health; and, advocating for healthcare in lesser developed countries. Prior to that, he served as Director of Social Services at Seton Medical Center in California. He is a graduate of the University of San Francisco and has MSW and MBA degrees. Gene is married to Nina Smith for 56 years. They have 3 children and 4 grandsons. He is currently serving as a Deacon in the Catholic Church of Saint Raphael, in Saint Raphael, CA for the past 15years and a member of St Raphael Conference in San Rafael, CA.
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